Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A December Rarity

Some things are so rare in my world that I feel the need to document them.  This particular sight is, in fact, so rare, that it has never happened before.  I took a photo because I was still in awe that this particular event was actually occurring.It's my hand.  And it's mailing my Christmas cards on December 1st.  They are done!


kristi said...

You over achiever you. Making the rest of us look bad. Actually I am just waiting on my cards to get here from the picture lady. Congratulations on getting a leg-up on the busy season.

Anonymous said...

I got mine Betsy! thanks! The girls are growing up so fast!! Wow! Hope you are doing well. Later! Laura

Gettysburg Mom said...

I swear I'll start them on Monday! Really, I won't leave them for the last minute. Oh- who am I kidding?

Congrats on your accomplishment!