Saturday, May 30, 2009

Just a quick one from Grace...

I know your night would not be complete without yet ANOTHER "funny" from Miss Gracie, so here you go!

Today we had to go to the "big town" to buy groceries and animal food and get my oil changed in the jeep, and all kinds of other FANTASTICALLY boring errors.  The girls were really pretty good, so we went to DQ to get some ice cream.  Grace got pretty excited about this information, and shouted, "Oh, good!!  I want one of those chocolate buzzards!"  Buzzards.  OH!!!  She meant "blizzards"!!  

Ha!  They will forever more be known as buzzards at this house...


Shelley said...

Gracie, I do love me some "buzzards", too!

Liz said...

Buzzards are so tasty... I tried to go the other night and they were closed. Em and I had to go to the convenience store for dinner. Pork rinds and chocolate milk are no comparrison to DQ Buzzards!

Bonnie said...

Well, I can definitely see the confusion. Blizzard, Buzzard... they sound similar and neither are a particularly good name for something yummy.