Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti on my mind...

I think the world is watching in horror as the images of death and destruction come pouring out of Haiti after the devastating earthquake that has rocked that poor nation.

I saw a mother today PLEADING with a television interviewer to help her find milk for her baby. I cried, because I could not hand that mother milk for her child. And then I prayed to God to send that baby some milk, so it would not die after it had survived an earthquake.

Then I googled "Haiti", and I discovered that it is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. That is saying something... there are a lot of nations that are pretty needy! And, if you look on the map, Haiti is physically close to the US... closer than Puerto Rico, even!!

This is a country that needs help. Now.

One of my favorite "famous" bloggers that I love to read is "The Pioneer Woman". Her link is on my side bar. I love her writing style and her stories so much that I bought myself a copy of her recently published cookbook. Folks, the cookbook was so good that I bought a copy for my Mom, and one for my sister-in-law, as well. Well, "Pioneer Woman" is feeling the need to help the people of Haiti, as well. If you go to this link, ,
you can help her give to the people of Haiti. She is donating $500 to two charities suggested by her readers. Then, she is also donating a dime for each and every comment left to three other charities.

I can't imagine a more worthy cause, so please take a moment to click on over and leave a comment.

And while you are at it, say an ernest prayer for the people of Haiti. May God bless them.

1 comment:

cheri said...

Thanks for making me stop and think of the pain these poor people are suffering. We are so blessed!