Monday, March 9, 2009

My bleary-eyed thoughts...

My family might be having a little bit of a difficult time adjusting to this whole "rock-your-world, "steal an hour of your sleep", "no concern for your health" thing called "Daylight Savings Time".  I found a cartoon that sums up pretty much how I'm feeling about it... Since hubby was on call this weekend, we didn't sleep well anyway.  (I don't sleep soundly when he's away, and then there's that whole "beeper going off in the middle of the night" thing, too.)

Then, to top it ALL off, I have one of those clocks that is supposed to re-set itself from the national clock (or something like that.)  Last night when I was going to bed, it still had not re-set itself, and I was afraid the alarm wouldn't go off and we would be late getting the girls off to school.  SO, I re-set it manually.  Clearly a mistake, in hindsight, because the clock ALSO set itself.  When my alarm went off, I hustled out of bed like a good mommy and stumbled upstairs in a daze to wake my brood.  Only AFTER waking them all up did I realize that ALL THE OTHER CLOCKS IN THE HOUSE SAID IT WAS AN HOUR EARLIER THAN MINE!!!!  We wasted an EXTRA hour of sleep, in addition to the one that daylight savings time took away.


Because we weren't already tired or anything...


kristi said...

I despise Daylight Savings Time too. It will take us at lease two weeks to finally not feel wiped out.

Gettysburg Mom said...

I put up with Daylight Savings time in the spring for the longer days. I like that it's light a lot later in the evening.

In the fall, I console myself with an extra hour of sleep.

It stinks that you lost an extra hour in the deal.