Friday, December 5, 2008

The Nutcracker -08

Last night was our little elementary school's performance of "The Nutcracker."  It was really cute.  Abby was a candy cane, and Kate was one of the dancers at the opening "party" scene.  Kate also had a singing role. We had to come home after school and get ready and be BACK at school by 5:00.  That does not SOUND challenging, but clearly I have never hot-rolled two heads of hair and applied stage make-up to two children at the same time.  Wow.  It took a LONG time!  We were just almost late.  When we got there (finally) the show was great.   I took a few photos, (surprise!  I actually remembered my camera!) so here is a quick visual for ya.  

Here is Miss Kate, after the opening dance number.  Note that she and her buddy, Taylor, have the same dress.  That's because Taylor's mom and I both LOVE a good bargain from a certain store with a red bullseye for their logo... (we call it "Tar-Jay" at my house...)
Here is Miss Abigail in the Land of the Sweets, dancing as a lovely candy cane.  
After the play, the kids went up on stage to have their pictures taken in front of the scenery.  Their Daddy bought them flowers to celebrate a great job.

Here's Abs.  She's beautiful, and I'm not a BIT biased.

Here is Katie Beth, looking WAY too grown up for my tastes...
And, finally, here is a group photo of the little performers.
No photos of the mighty Miss Grace, though... about half-way through the show, she looks at her Dad and says, "I gotta' poop.  Now."

You can't argue with a 3 year old about such things.  

When you have to go, you have to go.  

He exited quickly to find the restroom.

Luckily, the older girls had already done their parts, so at least he didn't miss them!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are beautiful! (I'm not biased or anything.) Love, Mom