Love this picture of my babies in front of the fireplace in the lobby of our hotel!
Here's our whole little family.
Here is my brother with his family. (Minus little Aidan... he got to stay at home and have some quality time with Grandma!)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this picture. The older kids are just sittin' and takin' in the view from the top of the mountain!
Here is brother Bill's family again.
Kate and Sarah V. liked the hot cocoa! Yum!!
Here is Sarah, cruisin' down the slopes.
Grace and Aunt Rox made a "snow bunny". How cute is that?
We had an AWESOME snowball fight. Check out Kate's ear... she got whacked so hard with a snowball that the snow got stuck in her ear!
Here's Caleb chunking a snowball. That boy's got an ARM!
Look at might Miss Grace! She skied like a pro!
Kate, Abby, and Caleb, cruisin' down the bunny slopes.
Brother Bill, Luke, and myself.
The whole little fam.
The cousins, hangin' out atop a little pile o' snow.
There are many, many, more, and maybe I'll post a few more later. We had a GREAT time. Can't wait to go back! (And, thanks, Roxanne, for making sure we had photos of our trip!!! :-)

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