Thursday, April 23, 2009


Looky here, everyone!!  It's another baby girl for the Killians!!Not really... we were lucky enough a few weeks ago to get to babysit for our dear friends.  Let me just say, Baby Harper was a joy!  We think we could handle another little one if she was like her!!!


Lindsay said...

there are so many dolls on that couch!!! :)

Shelley said...

WOW! Gracie's face is hilarious :) Is she SITTING on her baby?!? So cute!

Gettysburg Mom said...

It's the well behaved babies that trick you into thinking you can handle just one more. The well behaved babies that smell so good.

kristi said...

But even good babies cry and have bad days.

Bonnie said...

Couple things...

one- When you have children as cute as yours, you have a civic duty to keep having children. Someone's got to offset the "ugly" population.

two- I think that I have earned a spot on your sidebar! What the crap, lady... show me some love!

Bonnie said...

hmmmm, checked... and STILL not there!