Friday, May 29, 2009

Kate shows off...

Kate loves to sing.  And, really, she's pretty good at it.  Our little elementary school does a talent show every year on the last day of school.  They choose about 15 acts out of the school to perform.  Each grade level has a little "mini" talent show, and then the best acts move on to the big talent show.  I've been trying for 4 years to get Miss Kate to try out, but she always backed out at the last minute, or just didn't want to. This year she tried out, and made it.  So, even though she was pretty nervous, she sang for the whole school today.  I was so proud of her!  I've uploaded the video of her singing.  The picture isn't really great, and I didn't have anything to set the camera on, so it moves around, but you can hear her pretty well, at least.  She did wonderfully.  I am so proud of her!!


Anonymous said...

WOW! Betsy, she's really good! That takes A LOT of courage to get on stage and sing. That's awesome! You should be proud. Tell her to keep singing because she's got TALENT! You Cuz, Laura

Bonnie said...

Holy COW!!! That is so freakin' cool! She is an excellent singer! I love hearing children sing. It's such a raw talent, very impressive!

Amy said...

THAT was awesome!! She gave me chills and brought tears to this momma's eyes! There's just something about that song coming from the mouths of our babies!! Our FIFTH GRADE babies!!!

Tell her my Kate said she was amazing!! Maybe we'll see y'all this summer!

Sarah Elms said...

Well I must say I am assuming that the musical talent is coming from Luke's side of the family... I think she sings really well.....

Tell her she did awesome!!

JSW said...

Congratulations, Kate. A stellar performance, indeed. You've got a lot to be proud of. Keep climbing!

Lindsay said...

Great job Kate!!! That was awesome!

Anonymous said...

That was great, Katie! Good for you. Keep singing! We love you, Nana & Papaw

Dolloff Daily News said...

All I can say is WOW, that was awesome!!! I am so proud of her! She is very talented! I am going to show this to Shannan and April as I know they will be sooo impressed too! I know you cried, I did!!!